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List operators


(at k l)
(at k l)
  • takes k: string
  • takes l: [a]
  • produces a
(at i l)
(at i l)
  • takes i: integer
  • takes o: list
  • produces bool


Supported in either invariants or properties.


(length s)
(length s)
  • takes s: [a]
  • produces integer

List length

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(contains x xs)
(contains x xs)
  • takes x: a
  • takes xs: [a]
  • produces bool
(contains k o)
(contains k o)
  • takes k: string
  • takes o: object
  • produces bool
(contains value string)
(contains value string)
  • takes value: string
  • takes string: string
  • produces bool

List / string / object contains

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(enumerate from to step)
(enumerate from to step)
  • takes from: integer
  • takes to: integer
  • takes step: integer
  • produces [integer]

Returns a sequence of numbers as a list

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(reverse xs)
(reverse xs)
  • takes xs: [a]
  • produces [a]

reverse a list of values

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(sort xs)
(sort xs)
  • takes xs: [a]
  • produces [a]

sort a list of values

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(drop n xs)
(drop n xs)
  • takes n: integer
  • takes xs: [a]
  • produces [a]

drop the first n values from the beginning of a list (or the end if n is negative)

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(take n xs)
(take n xs)
  • takes n: integer
  • takes xs: [a]
  • produces [a]

take the first n values from xs (taken from the end if n is negative)

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(make-list n a)
(make-list n a)
  • takes n: integer
  • takes a: a
  • produces [a]

create a new list with n copies of a

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(map f as)
(map f as)
  • takes f: a -> b
  • takes as: [a]
  • produces [b]

apply f to each element in a list

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(filter f as)
(filter f as)
  • takes f: a -> bool
  • takes as: [a]
  • produces [a]

filter a list by keeping the values for which f returns true

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(distinct xs)
(distinct xs)
  • takes xs: [a]
  • produces [a]

returns a list of distinct values

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(fold f a bs)
(fold f a bs)
  • takes f: a -> b -> a
  • takes a: a
  • takes bs: [b]
  • produces [a]

reduce a list by applying f to each element and the previous result

Supported in either invariants or properties.


(hash xs)
(hash xs)
  • takes xs: [a]
  • produces string
  • where a is of type integer, decimal, bool, or string

BLAKE2b 256-bit hash of lists

Supported in properties only.

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